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Back ResultsPlus; Register for free FAQs New post-16 functionality Results plus for Functional Skills ResultsPlus for BTEC Nationals ResultsPlus Direct Back ResultsPlus Direct; FAQs for teachers and administrators. Currently the average time to deliver results is 1-2 days from when your sample is received at the lab. Our labs process samples seven days a week.

© Provided by Best Life

Myth: If your test comes back negative, you don't have to practice social distancing.

As the TheWall Street Journal reported in early April, experts estimate that one in three coronavirus tests that come back negative are, in essence, defective. Because the tests were approved very quickly to try to meet demand, they were less rigorously tested themselves—leading to the high rate of error.

According to The New York Times, Chinese research corroborates this hypothesis, estimating that China's false negative rate also hovers around the 30 percent mark. And for more on coronavirus testing, check out 10 People Who Tried to Get Tested for COVID-19 and Were Turned Away.

Now that COVID-19 testing has become more widespread and many people are back in the world, interacting with colleagues, family members, and friends again, you might be wondering if you should get tested. But there is still a lot of mystery surrounding coronavirus testing. For example, how long does it take to get your test results back? While it could be as fast as 24 hours, it's typically taking three to five days for people to get their results back.

The timing of your results depends as much on the administrative delays as it does on the time it takes for a laboratory to process the actual samples. Most laboratories really only need a few hours to determine whether a patient has contracted the coronavirus, but the time it takes to get results is contingent upon how overwhelmed the lab is depending on demand. In the early days of the pandemic, some people had to wait up to seven to 10 days to get their results. That, fortunately, has improved.

WebMD notes 'it may take a lab about 24 hours to run your test. But you might not get your results for several days.' Norton Healthcare similarly says coronavirus test results 'are usually provided within a few days.' And Quest Diagnostics also says 'test results are typically available within three days, but turnaround time can vary due to high demand.'

© Provided by Best Life stack of coronavirus testsOne other variable to consider in terms of COVID-19 test results is how sick a patient might be. For example, the Cleveland Clinic says, 'for patients in the hospital, and those tested in our emergency departments who are considered very ill or at risk, results are available within 24 hours (on average).'

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How Long Does It Take To Get Lab Results Back

As the nation gets close to entering the fourth month of the coronavirus pandemic, there is some encouraging news that the 'curve' of new cases has flattened and that health care facilities are no longer as overwhelmed. But as Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned recently, we are far from over the outbreak that he described as his 'worst nightmare.'


Are My Test Results Back

Public health officials are warning of a possible second wave of COVID-19 cases, with businesses across the country opening up, combined with the large scale protests in response to the murder of George Floyd. As a result, the demand for coronavirus testing will likely only become greater. But now that testing infrastructure has ramped up, results should be more quickly available. And for more testing tips, check out The Secret Way You Can Get a Free Coronavirus Antibody Test.

Gallery: 7 signs your skin is trying to tell you you have coronavirus