Occasional Invaders Pest
While there are a number of common household pests that can be a problem at any time of the year like cockroaches and ants, there are other pests that can venture into home and cause trouble under select conditions and circumstances. These pests are known as occasional invaders and may startle or confuse you when you see them present indoors.
Some of the more uncommon occasional invaders include pests like Beetles, Silverfish, Ladybugs, Spiders, Crickets, Lizards, Geckos, and Boxelder bugs, to name a few.
Occasional invaders are pests that find their way into your home once in a while. They are typically looking for food, warmth, or simply passing through. Popular hang outs for occasional invaders are under sinks, cupboards, crawl spaces, basements, showers, and tubs. Occasional invaders are those insects that sporadically enter your home throughout the year. They tend to live and reproduce outside but sometimes move indoors to escape harsh weather conditions or in search of food. Occasional invaders are a nuisance and potentially dangerous to deal with, and they can be a challenge to control and eliminate. Where occasional invaders live and nest depends on the species. Millipedes and centipedes live outside in damp, dark areas like under landscaping ties, mulch, rocks, and woodpiles. Inside, they are usually found in humid areas of a home or business such as basements or crawlspaces. Occasional invaders There are lots of pests from rodents and wildlife to all manner of insects. Many of these pests, such as bed bugs, are concerns all year round. However, there are insects known as “occasional invaders” that only become problems during certain times of the year.
Conditions for Invasion
When it comes to bugs like spiders and geckos, they are active scavengers and like to eat tiny insects smaller than they are. Them wandering into your house is purely accidental as they are just looking for food and happen to have found a way indoors via a crack or some other point of entry.

Other pests make their way indoors because the conditions outdoors are not favorable for them. If temperatures have dropped to near freezing, pests like ladybugs and boxelder bugs move on indoors to find warmth and shelter. This is why they are also called 'overwintering pests'.
Beetles and crickets usually invade a home or yard because they are attracted by light, either by fixtures set up outdoors or light coming from inside the home. This is why bugs may congregate around a window.
Silverfish and Earwigs may sneak their way into a home because they found a nice damp area to set up camp. These pests love moisture and will typically found in areas where there is an accumulation of moisture such as in crawl spaces, bathtubs, basements and other such areas where moisture can be a problem.
Occasional Invaders Pests Identify
Discourage The Invaders
If you don't want these occasional invading pests to target your home as a place to gather, some IPM (integrated pest management) practices are necessary to make your yard and home less appealing for the pests. You can do this by clearing up leaf litter around your yard, sealing off points of entry with caulk, placing screens on windows and doors, installing non-fluorescent yellow bug lights and reducing moisture as much as possible both inside and outside the home.
Occasional Invader Bugs
You can also use Reclaim IT Insecticide, which is labeled for over 70+ common household pests. This product also contains a residual effect which will last up to 90 days. We recommend using it as a barrier perimeter treatment to keep pests away from homes and yards.